Guest post: Path Over Sand

Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer
2 min readNov 23, 2022

A Reflection for Thanksgiving 2022

by Tali Torres

I am so excited to share a beautiful piece of writing from one of my workshop participants, Tali Torres. Feed Your Spirit Writing offers online workshops focusing on the intersection of writing and spiritual growth…come join us!

This Thanksgiving I remember home as it was all my life, all those years that I spent with mom and dad.

Photo by Oswaldo Martinez on Unsplash

Like the sea rejoices coming home to shore, that’s how I see myself, when the sea bathes the shores of my country, it is me being washed away of all things wrong and ugly, of those memories that taint my being; but I’ve come to my shore, like those waves caressing the sand; like the waters go back to shore, I go back home, where I’m washed, my feet are washed, my heart is washed and I embrace home in my memories, to my mother’s caresses like the sea waters, to my dad’s words of love and encouragement, like the breeze of the sea. All that is the warmth of home.

This Thanksgiving I give thanks for all those years of life experience at home, with my family and friends; and with a heart full of gratitude and loving memories, I say to myself, home is where the heart is; you don’t need to travel far to be home. My parents are no longer on earth and I am no longer in my native country, but all…



Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer

Writer, Educator, Mom. Disability advocate. Dog Lover. Teaching online workshops on writing + spiritual growth.